1 August, 2017

Off on another business meeting to try and close that deal? Secure that new client? It is time to work smarter not harder!

There is a lot riding on this business trip and the last thing you want is for it to go badly. You need to make a great first impression that will set the tone for the entire meeting. You need to bring your ‘A game’.

Your suit will be dry cleaned, your notes and figures will all be in order and your pre-arranged professional chauffeur services will ensure you get to your meeting on time!

Three keen professionals walk into a meeting

Typically, you aren’t the only person or company fighting for a given contract. You have competition. How do you stand up against them? Do they offer something you don’t? Sometimes the deciding factor isn’t experience based at all. Consider these typical scenarios.

Scenario 1

Brad from company A offers more experience in the field than you and has great results to prove it. He is well dressed and comes highly recommended by current clients. On paper, he looks like the perfect candidate… however, he thought he would just catch the train from the hotel.

Unfortunately, the train was delayed so Brad was running behind schedule. He could still make it on time but would be cutting it fine. After racing as fast as he could from the train station to the conference room, he had mere minutes to spare. Flustered, exhausted and not in the right mindset for his business meeting, Brad didn’t give the impression of being the organised individual the company wanted to work with.

Scenario 2

Just like Brad, Karen from company B is highly skilled in her field. She is well known throughout the industry as a dedicated professional who goes above and beyond to get the job done. She is respected, passionate and works hard; she is a real threat to you securing this contract. Being the practical woman that she is, Karen booked a hotel within half an hour’s drive of the conference room.

According to her calculations, it would only take twenty-seven minutes to get from her room to the meeting, providing traffic wasn’t bumper to bumper. Being a forward thinker, she allocated an hour in case of delays.

Unfortunately for Karen, her taxi cab driver took a ‘short cut’ and they got lost as they weaved in and out of streets. She told herself she could still make it, that the taxi driver knew where he was going. But alas… he did not.

After finding another cab that claimed to know exactly where the conference venue was, she would be lucky to arrive on time. As they arrived and she got out to pay, she noticed she had rubbed against dusty window sills and now had dirt smudges over her skirt. To add insult to injury, she was now five minutes late. This is far from the reliable business professional the company was expecting to meet.

Scenario 3

Dressed in your suit, you have your notes ready and with hours to spare. You sit down, have some breakfast and read the newspaper before practising your pitch again. It’s time to leave…

But you aren’t stressed. You are calm and focused. You know that you will make it to your meeting with time to spare because you pre-organised professional chauffeur services to look after you on this trip. The chauffeurs know the city well and understand your deadlines are important. On the way to the venue, you are able to get in a few more practise runs of your pitch so you can walk into that meeting with nothing but determination, drive and confidence. Not only are you ready for this business meeting, you are also early and looking the part in a pressed suit with no unsightly marks.

Professional chauffeur services – why you need them

When you are visiting a new city for a business trip, there is a lot to consider. Your hotel and its location, your transport and how you want to spend your down time are just a few of the many factors on your to-do list. Here are five reasons you should consider professional chauffeur services for your next business trip.

  1. On time – you will make it on time, every time. Chauffeurs run to your schedule, not theirs. You will have peace of mind that you will make it to your meeting, dinner and any other events you plan on attending with time to spare.
  2. Relax – you don’t have the stress of driving in the city. You can sit and enjoy the drive while taking in all the sights. Use that time to prep for your meeting or plan how you want to spend your free time.
  3. Transport – no more stressing over whether you will find a taxi cab, bus or train to catch. Professional chauffeur services offer a door to door service, which means you won’t have to join the taxi ranks and wait. More than that though, they know exactly where to go and you don’t have to share your ride with anyone else.
  4. Professional – chauffeur services say ‘I am reliable, professional and I know what I want’. The cars are cleaned and detailed regularly as to avoid any dirt or grime waiting for you to ruin your suit or designer outfit.
  5. Affordable – constantly hailing taxis to get you from point A to point B (and then back to point A), will cost you more than you may realise. It all adds up… and quickly! A chauffeur driven vehicle may be considered a luxury but you will be surprised just how little extra it costs when comparing to taxis. It could actually work out to be the cheaper option!

When you are travelling for work, you want to be in control and know that you are going to reach your destination safely and on time. Professional chauffeur services help you to make the best first impression for your meeting!

Give the professional team at Car Australia a call today on 1300 661 119 to discuss your vehicle requirements and organise chauffeur services for your next business trip!